Knowledge Work Studio

Meaningful Work in an age of Digital Overwhelm


Why are we here?

You and I are meant to create great things.

But the noise and clutter of modern work has made it very hard to believe in that.

Your potential isn’t realized in just getting by, or getting things done.

You are meant to do meaningful work.

What you’ll find here

Knowledge Work Studio is a ‘build in public’ experiment to start group projects with like minded friends in the technology, productivity, creative arts, and digital note-taking world.

You’ll see interviews with enthusiasts and experts, and weekly emails with updates, ideas and questions for you to work on.

I want to have conversations with doers, tinkerers, and creative malcontents about what it means to do meaningful work in an age of digital overwhelm.

What comes next

You sign up below, and I’ll include you in updates in the weekly dispatch called “Take Back Control”.

Right now I’m recruiting 20 people to conduct personal experiments in creative work online, and to share their results with the rest of the us on the things that matter to them.

If you’re reading this and you’re interested, I want you involved, either as an active tester or as an engaged reader.

Ready to give it a try?

I’m looking for optimistic, curious, and hopeful people to work with on lofty problems. Is that you?
If so, hit me up so we can get to work. Relationships beat cool ideas every time.